In a message dated 12/8/97 7:12:04 PM, you wrote:

>The December issue of Yoga Journal has an article on Rickson Gracie,
>one of the Gracie brothers from Brazil, famous for never having lost
>a single no-holds-barred fight with martial artists worldwide
>in over fifty years. [see footnote 1]
>The focus of the article is Rickson's yoga practice. The last
>paragraph mumbles something about his unusual diet. I have heard
>from various Gracie sources that they are raw foodists of varying
>levels. They seem to have been influenced by NH. I think some of
>them may be raw foodists by our definition. I do know that their
>stamina is phenomenal, and their skill unmatched world wide
>in several full-contact no-holds-barred competitions (UFC, Extreme,
>Pancrase, Vale Tudo, etc..)  Clearly the diet hasn't hurt :-)
>From Living Nutrition Newsletter (

"The Gracies are fruitarians.
A typical meal in the Gracie family consists of sliced persimmons, watermelon
juice, and bananas as a side dish.
Apparently before a championship fight in Japan, Rickson Gracie consumed fruit
juice and papayas as his sloe diet during the two weeks before his fight.
He is presently the World Jiu-Jitsu Champion.
Just thought you might be interested that a world champion fighter is a
