Mary <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>do you simply buy the shrimp at Safeway, or do you go to an
>Asian market? I have noticed such a big variety of fish at the Asian market,
>it is mind boggling, and I would not know what shrimp to buy.

The only shrimp that you can eat raw is aba emi. The season for it should
be starting very soon, and will last until March.

>At Safeway,
>they have one or two choices and it is a lot simpler. Does it matter, which
>type of shrimp I buy?

I suspect much of the shrimp these days is farmed. The problem with farmed
fish is they are fed grains. Fish did not evolve eating grains. Why don't
you try the different ones at the Asian market and see which ones you like.
