> What animal flesh do you eat most often? And when you do, do you have to
> freeze it prior to a meal, so that to make it more palatable?

> -Casey

Difficult to say. Four months ago, I would have answered that 1 lb of fish was
the only animal food I ate. Three months ago, it was 1.25 lb/day, mostly beef
and lamb. But last week, I had on average 100 grams/day, of which perhaps 33%
cheese, 33% fish and 33% chicken [beef became less pleasant; on the other hand,
chestnuts and hazelnuts are so good!!] I don't freeze animal flesh, but I let it
age a few days (by hanging steaks or fish fillets in the refrigerator).
Sometimes, it tastes delicious (better than fruit!), and sometimes it doesn't.

I really don't know how much animal food I need. Hunter-gatherers typically eat
20-50% animal food. That's a lot, but still much less than what some people on
the paleofood list eat. I think however that having experimented for a while
with 50%+ meat contributed to the freedom in my diet I now have:

 *I am not as dependent on fruit as before. Well, of course I am dependent on
food in general, as well as water and oxygen, but I am not particularly unhappy
if I have a day without fruit.
 *I can eat almost any animal food (although I haven't tried some organs yet)
whenever it tastes good, without inhibitions.
 *I am not really dependent on animal food either, one week on plant food alone
is perfectly fine (but again, a minimum is necessary).
 *I don't fall into the trap of "carbophobia" that is common on the paleo list.
Some days (but not two days in a row), I eat 1000-1100 calories from fruit. As
long as my mind remains clear, I don't feel sleepy after lunch and my stool are
well-formed the next day, I consider that amount to be reasonable.
 *Although I am aware that dairy has some inconvenients, I eat some raw cheese
(0.5 lb/week) because I like it.
 *I am not dependent on cooked food, as I have spent 1 year almost 100% raw.
 *I am not dependent on raw food either, as I occasionally have cooked meals
socially and boil a few vegetables.

I think it's important not to have too strict rules for your diet. I follow my
"instincts", i.e. I eat something when it tastes good. The only "rule" is to be
moderate on fruit, dairy and cooked vegetables, and I am starting to feel
satisfied with my diet now (but it hasn't always been the case, as those who
have been on the list since I started posting know), despite its imperfections
(but who can claim to have a perfect diet, except those who have books to sell?

Best wishes,

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