In regards to Roy's recent post to the list regarding the Farsi phrase "Khom
Gia Khori" and subsequent slander of NFL, I would like to share the
experience of my friend Farzod who is from Iran.

Farzod was raised a vegan and has never eaten any animal foods in his life.
He is trying to go raw now (and is working very hard at it!) : )

Farzod's grandfather lived in a village near Isfahan, south of Tehran, where
the entire community was vegan with several raw-foodists.
Farzod was raised within that tradition, but actually spent half his
childhood in Tehran and the other half in the San Francisco/Bay Area.

I asked Farzod about Khom Gia Khori and he said it meant, in Farsi, a
"raw-vegetarian" and is quite a common expression in Tehran.

Clearly Roy is making blanket generalizations about the
heavy-meat/cooked-food eating habits of Persian culture (which are part of
every culture!) and is simply looking for an excuse to discredit NFL to
uplift his own self-esteem.
