>Thanks for the encouragement!!!! Gosh, I can use it!! Have lost 40 pounds
>stressing over this child.

I can only imagine how difficult it must be to see your child suffer from
such a debilitating ailment.

>I have my son on the Neanderthin diet, it is working miracles, literally.
>Over Thanksgiving weekend my husband and I looked at each other and said,
>can this really be happening? Sometimes I had to pinch myself, so much
>language, so much eye contact.

That such a serious condition can have such a simple remedy never seizes to
amaze me.

>I have him on Neanderthin, he has mostly been eating beef pemmican, one
>small green salad per day, one or two servings of lightly cooked frozen
>veggies, and then he absolutely adores pork rinds with almond butter, also a
>Neanderthin snack. The pemmican seems to be very easy to digest, leaves
>almost no residue in the digestive tract.

It seems that his body is craving a lot of fat.  As the brain is 60% fat
maybe there is a connection?

>Do you think I need to rotate proteins? Today I am giving him some cooked
>ground turkey and veggies.

Variety is always good - how about trying fish which have the EFA's so
important for the brain? - still I would as much as possible let his own
tastes and instincts be the guide.

>Do you think I need to monitor the amount of pork rinds, gosh he loves these.

For whatever it is worth, I would trust his instincts.

>I also have him on a small amount of soil based organisms, the aim being to
>discourage the fungal growth. What do you think of SBOs??

I have heard of these organisms but have not yet looked into them.

>I have discontinued all fruit for the time being, even a half of a banana
>will send him reeling into weird laughter.

I think it is great that he is giving you so clear signals.

>Do you think a low carb diet overloads the kidneys, so say my vegetatrian

I believe this is a veggie myth.  The only times I would be concerned about
getting too much protein would be if the kidneys were weak or if adequate
amounts of drinking water were not available.

>Sorry for all the questions, but a 5 year old's brain is at stake here,
>there is no help on this one from organized medicine except for them to tell
>me to "accept" this.

Hey, that is what lists like this are for. :-)

>I believe he has candida autism. I don't know how much of the brain can be
>recovered. I can't even stand to read about candida and acetaldehyde, it
>scares me too much. The good news is that Neanderthin seems to really help
>clear out the dysbiosis.

The ability of the brain to recover is amazing especially in such a young
child and from your reports it looks like that the prospects of recovery
are looking very bright.

Best, Peter
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