Frank Wuts <[log in to unmask]>
> >This shows that cooked soybeans are assimilated better than
> >raw soybeans, and that the pancreas has to work harder to digest the
> >raw soybeans. The reason given is that cooking not only kill enzymes
> >but also enzyme inhibitors which are really like negative enzymes.
> >Unfortunately there was no study on soaked soybeans.

> An additional question arises: if cooked food makes for a larger pancreas
> (in lab animals), what health significance is there - if any at all - related
> to a larger pancreas? The pancreas makes enzymes, which we are told are
> important. Would not a larger pancreas be good, then? Interesting question!

My understanding of enlarged organs is that it is a bad thing. These
means too much stress which is bad. I don't think doctors would say an
enlarged heart is a good thing. Dr. Howell also believes that aging is caused by
using up our "enzyme potential". Once it is used up we die. Its a
theory. It would explain why cooked food is so bad.

> I suggest soaking only, not sprouting - EFAs may be eliminated in sprouting,
> and you may overeat and get a laxative effect. Flaxseeds can also be  made
> into raw crackers.
> Regards,
> Tom Billings
> [log in to unmask]

How do you make flax seed crackers? I was considering experimenting with
making raw sprouted wheat bread.