
Good points, all of them.  However, I might have misconstrued what I really
meant in my barrage of rhetoric.  Allow me to clarify:

>So the idea here is that some group of powerful people just really likes
>"vaccination, antibiotics, and other drugs" and they are trying to scare us
>by inventing the scare tactic of germ/contagion theory?  :/

I don't mean to imply that doctors all _create_ the germ scare, yet it is
true that the majority of them perpetuate this theory, using it as a major
tactic to illicit compliance with their drug treatments.  Haven't you had
similar experiences, Kirt, such as, "Kirt, if you don't get this vaccine
before you leave for Guatemala, you'll get X illness, or Y illness, or maybe
even die..."  I know I have had countless experiences where my physicians
have used the tactic of scaring me with germ theory to get me to work with

>BUT the germ theory predates these
>folks--they didn't invent it as a ruse to do devilish things to us
>earthlings. They may well be exploiting folks fear of germs, but they
>didn't sit around a table and invent it from scratch. ;)

Well, maybe you're referring to Pasteur:  one of the fathers of germ theory.
Bechamp or Pasteur, by E. Douglas Hume, profiles how much of the germ theory
came to become accepted, including the advent of vaccinations (despite
constant side effects, including death, illness, etc.)  So, while I agree
that our health profession doesn't sit in their high horse and plan our
deaths, they take a huge part in the perpetuation of a sad lie:  that drugs,
vaccines, and antibiotics are the path to perfect health.  And I don't feel
like I really know enough to go into the argument of whether or not it's a
conspiracy:  that I don't know much about.  I do know that pharmecutical
companies have a GREAT deal to do with medical school curriculum; students
are taught from day 1 the merits of drug x, y, and z.  Most medical schools,
while requiring detailed schooling on medicines, require little to nothing
regarding nutrition.  So, while I am not really a "conspiracy man" myself
either,  do you agree that the facts seem to be a little questionable?

>As limited as the (narrow-minded) "germ theory of disease" is, I think
>replacing it with the (narrow-minded) "germ theory of health" might be

>Parasites are an issue for nearly
>every culture that I have studied, whether SADers or wild chimp

Agreed, Kirt.  It would not be truthful for a raw-fooder to expect zero
health concerns from now on; a balance should be given to any point of view.
No diet will sew you back together after you're in a car wreck.  But at the
same time, the nutrition does have its clear merits over allopathic
medicine.  And I'll tell you one thing, I'd sure rather be scratching a tick
off of my bum than dealing with most any chronic illnesses.  >;-)

In all, I agree that one should weigh the facts before going from one
extreme of thought to another complete extreme of thought.

