Ben, welcome to the list.

>I am a very recent member of the list.  I know that most people are quite
>wary of raw animal foods (beef, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy), but I know many
>people who consume large amounts of them with very strong health benefits,
>without any fear of disease. (myself included).

I feel pretty relaxed as well about eating these foods raw, but I still
keep in mind that only few people have been doing it for any length of time
and little is known of long term effects.

>The truth is that there is no inherent danger in consuming products
>obtained from natural, organic sources, and in fact, there are many
>benefits to be gained.

I agree that it is important to seek out the best sources of these foods
but "natural, organic sources" are not that easy to come by.  Neither
Steuve's nor Coleman's are organic.

>Most if not all of the "infection problems" come from cooked or frozen
>meat that has  been left out or mishandled.  Raw, fresh animal products are
>far more resistent to harmful overgrowths of bacteria than their frozen or cooked counterparts.

It is true that meat that has been broken down by cooking or thawing is
more susceptible to various infestations than in its raw state.  Still,
there can be no doubt that  freezing kills parasites and cooking does away
with a lot of bacteria.

>Given, it is not a pleasing idea to most; but it does and has provided
>excellent health to those who use them in conjunction with a balanced raw
>diet.  I myself was a vegetarian who thought animal products were 2nd class
>foods, but with time and experience, I have seen the clear benefits of
>consuming raw animal products.  But of course don't take my word for it.
>Read up about it if you're interested.

Maybe you would like to share with us some of the benefits you have
experienced from   eating RAF (raw animal foods)?

Best, Peter
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