>Kirt writes:
><< It comes from several ranchers through a coop called Call Kona Specialty
>Meats at 808-323-2849 (ask for Bill). He should be able to either send some to
>you or refer you to Hawaii Natural Beef itself to arange for same (they
>process the HNB which goes to a local supermarket chain called KTA).  >>

>  Kirt - do you think there is any danger of contamination since I live on the
>East Coast of the U.S. and the meat would have to be shipped, maybe through
>the heat or sitting in hot trucks or warehouses, taking several or more days
>to arrive?  We have no source on the East Coast that I am aware of.     Thank
>you!!!       ~~ Liza

I doubt that it would be contaminated (it would be cryovaced (sp?)--sealed
in plastic w/o air) but the problem would be keeping it cool. If you get it
frozen, the worry is that it would thaw. If you get it cooled, the worry is
that it would be frozen inadvertantly and/or thawed or warmed. And you will
pay lots for a second day air delivery!

There are farily good sources of meat in the mainland. Ellie, from New
York, and another fellow I know from Mass. both find fresh Coleman beef and
lamb available in their area. I would suggest you try to find some mainland
meat before resorting to shipping a small poundage from Hawaii. Sometimes
fresh NZ or Australian lamb is available in fancy markets as well. Or
experiment more fully with raw seafood (plenty of info in the archives)...


Sorry I don't have better "news". :/

Season's best,