John Pavao wrote:
I've seen lamb at the local stores (although I suspect
that they're not "herded" or anything) but I have no idea how to prepare
Do you grill it like a steak, bake it, broil it?

Hi John, and all,
Just like to set your minds at rest....
New Zealand lamb is 100% herded over here!!! We don't have
the weather extremes of other countries so yes our lambs are ONLY fed on
pasture, ie grass, leaves etc, absolutely no ground carcass, we have enough
natural feed here all year round!! During spring (Aug to Oct, approx) when
the lambs are born, there is abundant feed for them and their Mum's

We live in the South Island where most of the sheep stations are (all many
hundreds of acres). In the North Island it is mostly cattle and dairy with
some sheep farms, smaller than stations.
Hope this is a help to you, John.
The way we cook a leg of lamb over here is (NZ)
roasting it slowly in water, in a roasting pan with lid)
I put a few sprigs of Rosemary (the herb) on it, at 160C
for about 3 hours depending on the size, it tastes devine!!! Melt in the
P.S If you like John, or anyone I can post/send some recipes for chops,
steaks etc.