Gene wrote:a

> I live on IRC (EFNET) so I can frequently be found there.  Just do:
> /whois OperaQ

Isn't something missing?  Like:

% telnet efnet


then the series of / and # commands?

Elsewise please advise.

> You will likely see me there.  Commands typically begin with a "/"
> and "OperaQ" is always my nickname on IRC on EFNET.
> I will start hanging out on a channel called #neanderthin and try to
> be there as much as I can in case people show up.  The channel names
> begin with a "#".  If I am not there enter:
> /join #neanderthin
> You will create the channel if it does not already exist.  I
> think having other paleo-food-folk on IRC would be great.
> Cheers,
> Gene
> AKA:  OperaQ

[log in to unmask]
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