This happened while I was still on the lowcarb list (back before when Julia
had it).  I was driving one day in April and getting a headache.  I took
off my glasses to rub my eyes and noticed that I could see about the same
without them as with them.  At this time, I had no idea what was going on.
 I asked questions on the list and some folks spoke of the same thing
happening.  So I went to see an eye doctor.  Turns out that my left eye had
improved 30% and my right eye 60%.  The doctor was incredulous, as the
change happened in a year, and the only previous changes to my eyesight
were always bad, every year I have always needed stronger glasses since
about 1975.  I tried to explain to him what I thought was doing it, and he
glazed over.  I shut up and went home.  But I haven't worn my glasses
since.  I can now drive just fine without them, even at night.  I suspect
that the improvement has contined, but I'm not going to get another eye
exam until a year has passed so that I don't have to pay for it out of

Anyway, the explanation is that sugar binds to the inside of the lens,
making the lens stiff and less able to focus properly.

I'll bet that there are plenty of folks on this list who've noticed the
same thing.

Take care,
John Pavao

John, your eyesight improved on lowcarb?  You should tell us about that.
Mary J.