Well, maybe I'm confused.  To me, "paleo" refers to that which was done by
our primitive ancestors, meaning the more recent members of the Homo
family, at least in the context that we use "paleo" in this list.  There is
no value whatsoever in comparing us to pelicans; they're not even in the
same family (or genus or whatever; please pardon my ignorance of taxonomic
terminology).  Different animals have different diets and different
requirements.  Until the day archaeologists unearth defensible proof that
the majority of humans of a million years ago were doing that, and that
they did it for long enough for it to have become included evolutionarily,
I'm not going to be convinced that the idea has any business being called
paleo or being discussed in a forum that is supposed to be devoted to paleo
diet and issues.  Sorry.

Take care,
John Pavao

I don't think there's anything unpaleo about intestinal cleaning, I've
read pelicans give themselves colonics.