> Doug Marsh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Don Wiss wrote:
>>> the range must have a concrete base.  The feed would be organic
>>> grains.
>> "concrete base" are you referring to cement or a 'natural'
>> foundation?  The phrase "concrete" is a little confusing if you
>> agree that "The natural diet of chickens includes worms that they
>> pull from the ground."

> If they are "organic free range" then they can't include worms in the
> diet.  I really don't think such exists but if it did there would
> have to be a concrete base so they can't eat worms.  Around here the
> organic eggs are "free run" so they are confined to a barn.
> Don.

urm, Don, what's the sense of this?  Aren't worms 'organic'?  Or is
someone confuzing 'organic' and 'vegetarian'?