Computer Idea
for the Mind
Lost in 'Space'

From Associated Press

     WASHINGTON-A blind physi -
cist who wants to advance a Braille
system for computers had his grant
request rejected by the Education
Department because his typewrit-
ten application wasn't double-
     "I'm blind. I couldn't tell it was
single-spaced," said John Gardner,
an Oregon State University profes-
sor and expert in new information
technologies for the disabled.

     Gardner said his assistant mis-
takenly typed the application
single-spaced and in a font smaller
than the department prefers.

     "It is absurd I would be punished
because of this minor technicality,"
he said by phone from Corvallis,
     Gardner complained to Sen. Ron
Wyden (D-Ore.), who has asked
Education Secretary Richard W.
Riley to reverse the decision. Edu-
cation Department spokeswoman
Julie Green said Riley would have,"
no immediate comment.

     Gardner invented DotsPlus, a
software program for printing tac-
tile graphics for the visually im-
paired. He asked the Education
Department for $300,000 for a two-
year study he says could revolu-
tionize access to math, science,
graphs and maps.

     Ann Queen, an Education De-
partment team leader handling
grants and contracts, notified
Gardner on Sept. 29 that the secre-
tary was required to reject "with-
out consideration or evaluation any
application that does not meet the