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dear listmembers:

As a new subscriber, I was overwhelmed by the number of folks who took the
time to respond (27 in 24 hours!). Of those who expressed an opinion, all
but one agreed that the liquids inside the turkey would carry the gluten in
the non-GF stuffing throughout.  the three alternatives suggested were:

1. cook non-GF stuffing separately
2. rice-based GF stuffing
3. GF-bread-crumb-based stuffing

I also received a copy of one of the helpful files available through the
LISTSERV archives: CELIAC TMPFILE9, with thanksgiving recipes from last
year.  finally, someone mentioned that the current issue of Sprue Nix,
which may be available electronically, has an article on this subject.

Again, thanks to you all for your kind and thoughtful replies, and happy
thanksgiving (an acquaintance who is a pediatric gastroenterologist told
me that he and his colleagues wish that all of the problems they see had as
effective, if difficult, a treatment, as does CD).

Robert Weiner ([log in to unmask])
George Washington University
Washington DC 20052
202 994 5981