<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi all,  My 5 year old son has been having cystitis or painful, frequent
urinary tract symptoms with now signs of infection and the urine checks
out clear.  I had questioned urinary tract symptoms before and had
several replies from women who all said the symptoms cleared up after
going GF.  This is curious to me because all my life I've had UTI's
(urinary tract infections) that were often non-bacterial,non-specific
cystitis in reality and it all cleared up after going GF, now one of the
first symptoms when I have a gluten accident (very rare these days), is
uncomfortable urinary symptoms.  Any guys have this as a child or
parents noticed this symptom in male children before going gf?  I'm
calling the pediatrician tomorrow to try to find a pediatric urologist
to rule out any pathology, but curious if I'm the only one and if it is
true for some males too.  I sure appreciate the list and your time.
Sorry so long.  Thanks, Cindy in Texas.