<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

First. let me thank everyone who responded, whether I sent a personal TY or
not...in 1 day I received almost 30 replies, with good information and
supportive words. I guess this is a hot topic! Here's the summary:

Many people reported similar starch-related binge behavior. About half said
that they did it when eating wheat before dx, and about half reported it as
something new after going GF. Several said that it went away after a few
months to 2 years on the diet, as if they had figured out that good breads
were available and they didn't have to "eat now while it lasts"

MAny people discussed the glycemic index of rice and potatoes, and their
tendency to cause marked insulin surges, which leads to transient
hypoglycemia and the urge to eat more. This makes a great deal of sense to
me, as I routinely manipulate dietary fibre and starches to help limit the
insulin demand of some of my diabetic (feline) patients.  Related posts
recommended the PAleolithic diet or other carb-free-diets, which are a bit
far out for me to believe.

MAny people recommended more protein in my diet, or eating as protein food
when the urge to binge hits, as they don't cause the insulin surge. Also
makes sense, and fits with my own observations. Same for veggies. In
general, many advised I should reevaluate the protein:carb balance in my
diet, and incorporate legumes and similar protein-rich foods more than I do

One person linked mood swings and carb binges to a lapse in the GF diet 2-3
days earlier, and suggested a diet/mood diary to see if there was a

Another person, for whom 8i had a great deal of respect, is a recovering
bulemic who not only stays GF but continues to stay in recovery from the
eating disorder. My sister is a recovering bulemic, and I know how tough
her struggle is. Congratulations!

Several people referrred me to the Carbohydrate Addicts' Hom,e PAge:
www.carbohydrateaddicts.com   I investigated, but it seemed to be a bit too
extreme for me (I am a firm believer that most things (Gluten excluded) in
moderation are not harmful). It also seemed to be focused a great deal on
weight loss, which I don NOT need to get involved with.

Also found a source for pulse noodles (lentils and mung beans):
no connection to the co, haven't even tried the products, but it sounded
interesting. Unfortunately minimum order is 12 boxes of pasta, plus
shipping, about $40, which is more than I care to spend on an experiment.
If anyone knows a NJ source for these noodles, or has experience with them
I'd love to hear from you!

So my plan from here is to try to eat more protein and veggies, and more
squash/sweet potatoes for filling foods. Also I'll be taking my vitamins
more regularly than I have been. When I do weat rice or potatoes, I'll make
sur there is plenty of protein in the meal and see if it helps.

MAny thanks to everyone who responded. I hope this helps others, as well.
HAppy HEalthy eating, everyone!-MArne in NJ