Hi Ellie,

you wrote:
>On the other hand the body likes to have a mix of nutrients at all

That's news to me. Where did you get that? Are there some reasons for
this being valid?

>It also says that the body absorbs foods preferentially according to
>need, so I think the body can well handle a mix of foods. It's probably
>a matter of efficiency.

I agree. And I can't see a reason, why one couldn't delay the ingestion
of some food to the next meal. Why is it necessary to get all nutrients
in one meal? There are storages for most nutrients in our body and
the fact that fasting is possible tells me, that it is even possible to
miss several meals.
But perhaps your psyche tells you to eat it all now. ;-)
I know that phenomen. Earlier in my instincto "career" I couldn't wait
for the next meal. I simply couldn't do it. There was something in me
urging me to eat it all now.
Any idea if this is the case with you?

Best relaxed wishes,


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