the following material was written  by Morris Krok, and is being posted
on Internet with minimal edits. The material here is an edited copy
of an e-mail letter by Morris. I hope you find it interesting.

Tom Billings
[log in to unmask]

==========begin material written by Morris Krok================

        I do not think Barbara Moore is still alive. The article which
appears in Kulvinski's book first appeared in late 1950's or ealy 1960's.
The path to a healthy life or breatharianism is first to learn to live on
one meal a day - sometime around midday but not later than But if
one is not hungry then this one meal can also be skipped. In place of the
evening meal drink only water so as to ensure that one goes to sleep on a
clean, empty stomach. Replace breakfast with more water. The meal that is
eaten can include some of the more concentrated foods such as nuts, a
little dried fruit and some sprouted grains; fruit can be eaten half an
hour before eating the concentrates, some green leafy vegetables and root
vegetables such as carrots. One must experiment with this meal by reducing
the number of items eaten; for instance by just having nuts with some
grated carrots.
But what is eaten is a personal matter as there is no magic in any food.
The magic is in the vitality and inherent intelligence of the body and mind
which knows how to process and convert what is eaten in its own time and way.
        It is my belief that more nonsense is spoken about health and
nutrition than religion and the rituals one should follow. When one realizes
that persons have attained long lives on a variety of foods, one can only
infer from this that food is only a catalyst to stimulate the body's energy
which never becomes part of tissue and bone. But too much food can deplete
one's energy.

        I have written the following books
        Diary of a Health and Truth Seeker
        Amazing New Health System - Inner Clean Way
        Diet Health and Living on Air
        Formula for Long Life
        Fruit the Food and Medicine for Man
        Golden Path to Rejuvenation
        Kindred Soul
        Health Truths Eternal
        Pathway to Truth

        Also published Yoga Gave Me Superior Health (Heaven Lies Within Us) which
I highly recommend because it may supply the answers to the questions that
you are seeking. It is not like the normal book on yoga as it reveals its
hidden teaching. Theos Bernard, the author shows how he was able to stand
on his head for three hours or hold his breath for ten minutes. The ancient
yogis were very strict what they ate and the need to internally purify the
system because they learnt over three thousand years that illness and the
premature aging of the body is caused by the the fermentation and
putrefaction caused by the wrong foods remaining in the system too long.
Medical science has not yet realized this simple truth - if they did, they
would not use antiseptics, antibiotics and the thousand and one drugs.
Health shops with all their hundreds of supplements and magic herbs are
also duping and misleading the public.
        To realize the truth, cleanse the entire digestive tract so that the
purified mind can be forever inspired.

        All the above books are available from my daughter Susan Krok,
4068 Park Blvd, Palo Alto Ca 94306.

        To put the records right. I am not a doctor and have never been to
university but have been reading about these subjects since the age of 19
or so. Furthermore I do not expect that one should accept what I have
stated here as infallable. They are only my views as everyone has the right
to follow and believe what he likes.

                                With regards,

                                Morris Krok (not Krock)

Morris Krock

Essence of Health is the Essence of Life

P.O.Box 1129
South Africa

Phone +27 31 864521
Fax   +27 31 2670600