Hi, Kirt:

I stopped today at a Loblaw and asked the sales clerk to help me select a
piece of good fish. I explained to him that I intended to eat it raw. The
guy was suprised buy didn't show it very much, and so I bought a small
piece of about 70 g or something of some kind of white fish filet. I forgot
the name but it wasn't tuna which I know some of you guys have been putting
down quite often. So I tried this fish and I was amazed how soft it is.
First thing that occured to me when I put into my mouth: why cook it at
all? Of course the taste was pretty unusual, in fact it seemed tasteless to
me at first...but then this very subtle taste began to come. So it was
quite an experience, I'm telling you!

The only thing I'm worried about is: what are the chances of getting some
kind of bugs or microbes thru raw flesh, fish for example? And how do you
personally view cooking? After one reads the Ward's interview it doesn't
seem such great a sin, does it?
