Hi Lisa!!

In a message dated 97-11-27, you write:

> << As far as fasting is concerned, I did a wheatgrass fast about a
> year ago.   It lasted 10 days and I did colonics, enemas, and
> wheatgrass implants.  Also got bodywork done at this time.  I felt
> so pampered and new when it was over.
> Apart from the boundless energy I experienced, I became more psychic.
> I have toyed with the idea of doing this again very soon, but it is
> very intense and you really need time and money to do one properly.
> It would make sense to do one for spring.  Do most people fast during
> the season change?>>

I would like to know about wheatgrass, because I am considering adding it to
my juice as I come off this fast I have been on.  I have been eating it in my
salads, in moderate anounts, but do you think that if I am allergic to wheat,
I may be allergic to wheat grass?  Why is it reccommended that one be very
cautious with wheat grass? What in it could cause ill effects, and why?

Can you beleive that I actyally pulled off appearing at my huge family
Thanksgiving dinner in the middle of a fast, and because of dressing in bulky
clothing no one even noticed my wieight loss?? And that we actuallly pulled
off me not eating a thing!! Just secretly shoveling stuff onto Genie's plate
when no one was looking, and cutting up and moving around the food on my
plate when someone was?  SOOOO funny!!!  I will remember this Thanksgiving
for along time!!!

Look forward to hearing aboyt wheat grass!!