Mary, I have come across some valuable information regarding the healing of
autism.  It seems that children with autism have urine values of tartaric
acid up to 600 times than that of normal children.  Tartaric acid is an
organic acid that is a yeast byproduct.  If this and other compounds are
killed off and eliminated from the system, many if not all the symptoms of
autism apparantly begin to melt away. Anti-fungal therapy (Nystatin,
Diflucan etc.) has been shown to be more efficient in treating autism than
traditional drug therapy reducing symptoms significantly in 80-90% of
cases. (Rimland B. Biological Interventions in autism.  Parent rating of
behavioral effects of drugs, vitamins, and diet.  Available from the Autism
Research Institute, 4182 Adams Ave. San Diego CA 92116.)

Anti-fungal herbs & supplements (caprylic acid, grapefruit seed extract,
garlic extract)
along with probiotics have been used with equal success and they would IMO
be even more effective supported by a low carb, gluten free, casein free

It seems that autistic children often are completely normal until they
reach 1-2 years of age and they then receive series of treatments with
antibiotics for re-occurring ear infections thus wiping out the good
intestinal flora and allowing yeast and "bad" bacteria to proliferate in
the digestive system. One of the symptoms of this is chronic muscle fatigue
in the children.

There is a new urine test out that costs $200 that will measure the amounts
of organic acids in the urine which could be a helpful diagnostic tool as
well as a good monitoring device in the treatment of autism.  You can get
it by having your ND contact:

The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc.
9335 W.75 ST
Overland Park, KS 66204

Phone (913)341-8949

Not only autism but also conditions such as schizophrenia, CFS, AD,
fibromyalgia, ADHD, and depression are claimed to be caused by organic
acids and reportedly respond well to anti-fungal treatment.

Best of luck.

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