Thanks to Barbara for an insightfull bio.
My approach to my food is alot like yours.  I eat only fruit in the morning,
a large dark green salad always with sprouts and 1/2 avocado (I used to
take dressing, now, because it is too heavy, I go for vinegar and oil), and
possibly a cooked meal for dinner or a combination of raw and cooked.  I
never eat a meal such as this one without taking 2-3 vegetable enzyme
tablets.  Why eat cooked at all?  WELL, I sometimes crave hot and heavy food
when it is very cold outside, like potatos and soups.  Instead of freaking
out over this, I relax and know that I make the choice to meet the raw diet
75%.  The proof is in how you feel.  I feel very good, and my habits and
cravings have changed.  It's great to salivate over apples in season, bananas
& grapefruits.  And my favorite part of the day is when I get to eat a whole

As far as fasting is concerned, I did a wheatgrass fast about a year ago.
It lasted 10 days and I did colonics, enemas, and wheatgrass implants.
Also got bodywork done at this time.  I felt so pampered and new when it
was over.
 Apart from the boundless energy I experienced, I became more psychic.  I
have toyed with the idea of doing this again very soon, but it is very
intense and you really need time and money to do one properly.  It would
make sense to do one for spring.  Do most people fast during the season

Two things that have happoned recently and I am not sure about the
relationship to my diet.  The first thing is that I had hundreds of
plantar warts on my feet for over 25  years.  WELL, they are gone.  My diet has been
a good percentage raw for 2+ years.  I stopped drinking alcohol a year ago.
 Any correlations here that anyone knows about?  I feel like it is a true
gift from god.
The second thing is that I am shocked by colors.  The colors all around me
are brighter.  It almost feels like an acid trip.  Does anyone know whats
going on here?

Something that is kind of cool has happoned at my workplace.  My co-workers
eat more salads and fruits than ever before.  I don't push my diet on anyone,
and only discuss it when others ask.  I feel very vibrant during the day and
my stress level is much lower since I started on fruit only before 2:30 pm.
It must be contageous, because everyone around me is doing it too.I work in a
deli and its great to see people dodging rubens to eat raw.   People are
always telling me how bad they feel after they eat the food on the menu.  I
think of how the food will make me feel when I'm done eating it now.  That
usually keeps me away from the garbage.  But not ALL the time.  I always
pay for it, though.  My body is slowly and naturally becoming more
positively instinctive.

I think it is very important to be patient with yourself and try not to go
too extreme too fast.  Starting the day with fruit may be a good start. So
often people freak out when they can't stick to the "diet".  Why not make
your own rules?  Everyones body is different, and there are some who may
need something like fish in their diet, and some who can eat fruit only.
I'm not sure I could survive very long on fruit only.  It makes me spacey,

Anyhow, thanks to all for all of the kind info.  This list helps keep me
on track.  It can be kind of lonely out there where no one understands
your food choices, especially on Thanksgiving.

Happy Holidays-