Today (Friday) I am on the fifth day of a water fast. Today is the first
day I really feel great. I've been in bed until now - but I'm planning to
try to lead as close to a halfway normal life as I can from now on (unless
I get too tired or weak and have to lie down).  I've done many fasts over
the past 10 years - longest was 15 days.  This time I may try to go as
long as I think makes sense, even though it is rough during the holiday
season (exhausting).

I would LOVE to hear thoughts, feelings, and opinions on fasting!  Before
I discovered the internet six months ago, I had never met, or heard of,
another living human being (only deceased authors) who knew anything at
all about fasting, or who had done it themselves. Now I've found the
Hygienic movement, the anti-Hygienic movement, the M2M, this list (which
I love),  the Bionomic Nutrition Forum (which I'm not particularly
crazy about), other interesting web resources, and many, many books that
I didn't know existed!

Anyway - I'd sure love to hear from others with ideas about fasting!

Warmly, and with Exceptionally Bad Breath,     Liza