Hi Ward!
  Just finished printing out your interview. Man!!  You and the M2M are
some things I sure could have used over the past 20 years of being out
there on my own - so it appeared - with only three books by strange-
sounding men of the past named Herbert Shelton ("The Science and Fine Art
of Fasting"), Arnold Ehret, and Paul Bragg - as my "support system" and
sources of different ideas on nutrition. These books I found lying dusty
and outdated-looking in the backs of health food stores, and it seemed to
me that the authors seemed to know something about health that for whatever
 reason had not reached a larger audience.
    I am a nutritionist and personal trainer - and, until I got onto the
internet six months ago, I did not know the ANHS existed, or any sort of
hygienic movement, or that there were people who had many of the same
questions and ideas that I have.
    Because of the internet, I find myself with so much resource it is
    Today (Thursday) I am on my fourth day of a water fast.  I'm frustrated
with persistent health problems, despite many fasts of  7 - 15 days over
the past 10 years, and a great diet (10% meat and fish, no dairy, no gluten)
- so I am determined to fast these problems away. Hope it works.
    On your 42-day fast, did you work?  This is the first time that I have
actually laid in  bed while fasting - but I can't do this for very long, so
I think I'll try to be up and carrying on life while continuing to fast
(through the Holiday season - oh God!!). What do you think of this plan??
    Thanks again for the vast amount of research you have done, and all the
references provided.

 With Lots of Appreciation   ~~~ Liza