Hi Ellie,

you wrote:
>BTW, Stefan, I'm not mixing like making salads, etc. I'm still eating
>whole foods sequentially, which is what I think you do,


>only I am trying to eat a balance of sugars, fats, and proteins at each meal.
>For example, I might have some greens, then avacado, then meat, then a
>spoonful of honey. Or, I might have some fruit, then flax seeds, then
>eggs or fish. The body also absorbs from the intestinal tract according
>to need.

If the intestines can absorb according to need the senses of smell and
taste are obsolete. Perhaps the intestines can correct minor errors you
made but still I am of the opinion that everything you eat is digested.
And if you overload yourself you will watch symptoms coming from this

Also I can't see, why it is impossible to divide the meals into the
recommended fruits (and perhaps veggies) at noon, then protein (and
again perhaps veggies) at the evening.
On the other hand for experienced instinctos there are no rules at
all and if you feel your (mis)combinations are doing you something good,
then go on.

Best raw wishes,
