I guess I should study Ayurvedic food principles too.  I have read a bit
about Sattvic ideas.  I wish I could integrate all the dietary
information I get into some kind of truth!!  I know from my own
experience that the body's handling of water is very important (re: the
vegetable astringency).  I think I basically have a fluid imbalance from
too many cooling foods.  People seem to be  attracted to cooling foods
when they are stressed.

Another point is that we stay in darkish houses and darkish office
buildings and don't have the same relation to the climate outdoors that
the paleos had, so how does that alter our food and water intake?!  The
reason I get into these fine points so much is because I'm interested in
healing and quite often despise modern medicine.  The more in tune I am
with what is best for my body the more I am able to do.  With me, that's
a big point since I'm 49 and still running around like the proverbial
chicken!  There is too much I'm required to do (have 5 kids) and too
much I want to do!  Mary Jackson