In a message dated 97-11-11 14:43:24 EST, [log in to unmask] writes:

> Wooahh!  PL is going to be a pretty dull place if ALL the strangeness
>  has be siphoned off to BP!  Who's the weenie?  Let's get backin there
>  and kick some slide show watchin butt!

Reference to weenies, I guess I've been reading too much about Sam Houston.
Do you know the story about how Deaf Smith (a New Yoker) got Santa Ana
pre-occupied in his tent at San Jacinto? Then there was a lot of noise,
death, and blood. Then they built a giant limestone phallus, with a star on
the top, to commemorate the event. Then they surrounded it with oil

My strategy is to align the absurdist preservationeers into a BP camp... and
then to go on junkets in the theater.

A junket of Chinese preservationeers recently visited NYC. They spent 1-1/2
hours in a post office purchasing stamps. The leader of the delegation, a
woman, wanted desperately to get ahold of a Nixon and Ronald Reagon mask. A
mystery to me - what's wrong with Jimmie Carter? They went to Disney World,
and they wanted to stay in Las Vegas, meaning, they did not want to leave Las
Vegas. Americans, as far as I can tell, want to leave Las Vegas. The
preservationeers went back to Shanghai to go back to not fixing up their old
buildings. A wealthy friend of mine, who contributes to Colonial Williamsburg
every year, is purchasing large blocks of cellular technology stock in China.

Let us build our own Shangrila at BP and go on junkets. Considering this is a
volunteer militia you can feel free to go shoot any old Turkey that passes. I
feel sorry for the guy that asked on PL how to antique his brass, then again,
he made the strongest vote to kill G&E. But we can also behave like headless
Mongols and Tartars when the moon phases us together.

][<en Follett