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Date: 97-11-21 04:55:49 EST

I would like to add a few more comments to the already useful list
facadectomy horrors.  Indeed, don't forget the the venerated White House
itself was totally demolished in 1952, except for the exterior sandstone
walls.  If you look up the photo of the bulldozer plwing dirt at the base of
the interior of the exterior walls, with nothing left inside, you will find
it unforgettable.  The new structure is a steel frame building constructed
intside the walls.

The same fate befell the California Capitol building during the Reagan
administration - in the name of seismic strengthening (in Sacramento, which
is not in a high seismic zine!).

In Vernont, a hotel in Montpelier was torn down and replicated (on the
exterior) with a new steel frame structure, after the contractor convinced
the historic preservation advocates that it was cheaper to do that (back in
the late 60's), and in Pasadena, the Huntington Hotel was demolished to the
ground (no walls left standing), and replicated in its exterior appearance 10
years ago after engineers submitted a seismic report whixh "proved" the
building would collapse in an earthquake of the size it had just survived
with no damage.

Indeed, this problem is not unique to the USA, I have seen it going on all
over Europe.  Usually, the facade is kept standing, but not always.  In fact,
the situation is made worse by unyealding building codes, which make it very
difficult to save interior structures with wooden elements.  The new - pan
European code may even add to the difficulties.

The list goes on - but, with the White House, leading the list, you are in
good company.

Randolph Langenbach

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