Hi all,

E. Campbell of the paleofood-list on this server posted this on
>Loren Cordain recently had an interesting post on the Paleodiet
>Symposium about the eating habits of hunters and gatherers.  To
>paraphrase, Dr. Cordain stated that eating lots of carbohydrate and
>protein at the same meal would not have been the usual pattern of
>eating for paleo people.  If a hunt was successful, then mainly protein
>and fat would be consumed during that meal.  At other times, gathered
>fruits and vegetables would have been the major component of the meal.

>So, food combining may have paleo/evoluntionary basis.  It certainly
>would be worth a try to see if there are benefits.

>Dr. Cordain's post can be found in the archives of the Paleodiet

That's nearly exactly what the menu guidelines of instinctive nutrition
are recommending: fruits at the noon meal, protein (and perhaps vege-
tables) in the evening.

Best combined wishes,

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