as the lists have been quiet of late, I decided to post the following
short article recently written for the SF-LiFE newsletter. I have edited
it to remove an appeal at the end for members to get involved with the
SF-LiFE library.

I have an article on new web sites that is in progress, and I hope to post
that soon - in a week or so. That article will mention other newsletters
as well (Hippocrates, Tree of Life, Living Nutrition, and others). So, there
will be more on newsletters in a future post.

Tom Billings
[log in to unmask]

by Tom Billings

The library recently subscribed to the newsletter "Beyond Health", which is
put out by Raymond Francis (who spoke at an SF-LiFE potluck earlier this
year). Note: the library also subscribes to a different newsletter with a
similar name, "Health & Beyond", the excellent newsletter put out by Chet Day.

Getting back to "Beyond Health" by Raymond Francis: it is bi-monthly, 8 pages.
It includes health news, questions/answers by Raymond Francis, product
announcements, and article(s). The latest issue (September/October 1997)
has an article on sunlight and health. The newsletter has a nice layout, and
is attractive. Check it out!

Donated by members: "R.E.A.L. News" (Raw Energy and Alternative Lifestyle
News), a quarterly newsletter from Australia. The library has one sample
issue (Spring 1997, issue 3). The issue has a theme - pesticide use (2 long
articles), and genetic engineering. The issue includes a short article of
mine (Tom Billings), that was taken from an old post on the veg-raw e-mail
list. There is also an interesting article on "Animal Products in the Raw Food
Diet" that discusses the consumption of insects. If you are interested in
natural hygiene or fruitarianism, the newsletter is definitely worth checking

Donated by members: "Health Science", the bi-monthly magazine of the ANHS
(American Natural Hygiene Society, Tampa, Florida). This is an attractive,
glossy, very professional looking magazine.  The major limitation of the
magazine, in my opinion, is that the selection of authors featured in the
magazine, appears to be somewhat limited. It also seems to be exclusively
pro-vegan, whereas natural hygiene can include some animal products (e.g.,
see the writings of Tilden).


Not in the article - contact info:

Subscription info:

$40/year (4 issues)  for delivery outside Australia (prices in Australian
dollars, $22.00/year in Australia

PO Box 8166
Cairns QLD Australia 4870

e-mail: [log in to unmask]

Beyond Health    1 yr = 6 issues = $34.95
P.O. Box 150578
San Rafael, CA  94915


ANHS: e-mail to [log in to unmask]  (it took them months to answer some
e-mail I sent them long ago. I hope they're faster nowadays.)
For faster service, call the ANHS in Tampa, Florida. (I don't have
their mail address handy, or subscription details.)