here is more material written by Morris Krok. There is some repetition with
earlier postings, and also some new material as well. I hope you
find it interesting.

P.S. I received yet more new material (from Morris) this morning - have only
read the first 20 or so lines of it, but it looks *very* interesting. Will
post that later this week.

Tom Billings
[log in to unmask]

=================begin material by Morris Krok===============
                From the pen of Morris Krok

Filename: Kuhne.asc

    Louis Kuhne Reveals Life's Greatest Health Mystery

        The Past's secret entrance is the door to the present and future.
        (Raja Yoga teaches us to concentrate on the unseemingly unsolvable problems
 confronting mankind, even if we have to focus on it for a lifetime, for the
 universal wisdom to reveal the simple truths piecemeal to us.)
        Truth comes in small segments to one who is attuned.

    In all my studies, no writer in my opinion has a better understanding of
 the way the body functions and how it should be made to work more correctly
 than Louis Kuhne as explained by him in his book "The New Science of
 Healing". This work was written between 1883 and 1894. The edition which I
 have in my possession was printed in 1902 and it is based on his Fiftieth
 German Edition. He shows that all illnesses, no matter what name we give
 them, including the inability of women to have an easy childbirth or
 breast-feed her infant with ease, is caused by fermenting and putrefying
 material that has accumulated in the digestive and colonic tract of the
 body. He shows how gaseous exudes of this fermentative material spread
 throughout our inner structure that will not only affect our muscles,
 joints, skin, tissues but every organ and gland in the body. Although in
 different persons these pernicious substances may collect in parts
 differently from other persons, yet they do not alter the fact that they
 have the same basic cause. This is evident from the successful way he
 treated the variety of symptoms by getting the patient to change his
 lifestyle so that he eats non-stimulating food, exercises in the open air
 until perspiration occurs, the use of steam baths to open the pores a few
 times a week, and the use of cold sitz baths three or more times a day in
 order to draw all fermentative material back to its source (the stomach and
 intestines) for elimination through the normal organs of excretion -
 kidneys, bladder and bowels. In the sitz-bath only the area between the
 navel to the upper thighs is immersed in the cold water for a period from
 fifteen to thirty minutes. The ensuing cooling that takes place in the
 abdominal area results in the body diverting blood to it from all other
 parts to compensate for the lowered temperature. It is this lowering that
 results in the pernicious substances flowing back with the blood to the
 abdomen. Those who use sitz-baths, or cold compresses around the abdomen
 find that they become more relaxed, and if used before going to sleep, find
 the sleep more restful and sounder. Louis Kuhne developed this method to
 prevent the continued poisoning of the body by fermentation. The key is to
 keep the main engine of the body - the abdominal area - cool so as to stop
 or slow down putrefaction and fermentation that normally occurs here
 especially as the result of the unnatural food that man eats. Warmth is an
 important ingredient to sustain the fermentative process. This cooling also
 increases the vitality of the abdominal area and the body as a whole as it
 not only improves all the functions of digestion and elimination, but it
 has a wonderful reciprocal effect on every other part of the body including
 our breathing and thinking. Those who persist with it find that because
 there is an increased flow of digestive juices in the stomach and saliva in
 the mouth, they have a better appetite and so enjoy foods better. What is
 also very significant it enables us to withstand all changes of weather
 with the least discomfort because it gets our inner thermostatic controls
 working perfectly. Accordingly, we will be able to withstand hot weather
 with the some ease that we will not be unduly cold in the winter. If in the
 treating of cuts, burns, sprains and injuries with cold water is now
 regarded as the best method to treat these conditions then it should not be
 difficult to understand how beneficial the sitz-bath is. When a muscle is
 overused it becomes overheated and no longer functions as efficiently and
 for the same reason the abdominal organs too will not operate as they
 should if they are allowed to become continually too warm. For one thing, a
 feverish or an undue warmth state of the abdomen causes the drying out of
 our faeces so that they become hard and constipating; similarly the urine
 in losing some of its moisture as the result of the heat will result in
 crystals and other residues accumulating in the bladder and kidneys. This
 assists in the formation of stones forming in the kidneys, bladder and gall
 bladder. To keep the idea of the need to include sitz-baths as an important
 part of our daily hygienic ritual, remember the phrase - "cool the stomach,
 if you do not want a fevered brow".

    On page 38 and 39 of Louis Kuhne's New Science of Healing we read:-

    "Let us imagine a child suffering from the measles. First of all we find
 it restless, sleepless with a hot, dry skin; in common parlance 'the child
 is feverish'. But nobody can yet say what kind of illness it is. Only the
 fact that other children have the measles, leads to the supposition that
 this is a like case. Nevertheless, we are in a position to proceed at once
 with the cure. The method of treatment follows quite clearly from our
 theory of fever.

    Fever can be allayed in the following way: We must endeavour to open the
 pores of the skin, so that the body perspires. In addition, we must draw
 the heat away by some cooling means. At the first outbreak of perspiration,
 even the fever will decrease. With this treatment, the measles will in most
 cases never really make an appearance. That is to say, the foreign matter
 will be conducted away and expelled in a form which cannot be given the
 name of any special disease, being discharged through the natural secretory
 organs, in the sweat, the urine, through the bowels and in the breath. The
 more profuse the eruption (the elimination), the more actively the
 fermenting morbid matter is ejected through the skin, the less is the
 child's life endangered.
    To effect a complete cure of the measles, we must open the natural
 outlets, the skin, kidneys and bowels, and cool down the system, until the
 internal heat completely disappears, whereby the digestion also will be
 regulated. The cooling is affected by friction hip and sitz-baths having a
 derivative action."
    From the teachings of Louis Kuhne we can deduce that all forms of ill-
 health, even the minute deviations from it such as a slight pain or
 headache, is caused by undue warmth occuring within the system. All
 unnatural foods will cause it, and in fact, too much of the best food will
 also result in a degree of overheatedness. Digestion it must be noted can
 only occur through the process of fermentation. It is not only food that
 causes fermentation, but also any foreign substance that is injected into
 the skin such as a splinter, dirt, snake-bite, bite from an insect, or
 human for that matter. Not only can a rusty nail set up a state of local
 fermentation in the areas surrounding the point of insertion but also a
 knock, a sprain or wound will cause it. He also teaches that in the
 beginning when the vitality of the body is high, the abody attempts to
 eject all unnatural substances in the form of a fever, hence childhood
 fevers and illnesses; but, however, when the body's vitality becomes low as
 we persist with wrong living, it no longer has the ability to discard
 foreign substances to the same degree as when we were young. Accordingly,
 instead of getting colds and fevers (so-called acute illnesses), the body
 begins to store these unwanted substances in various parts of the body
 which not only affects the workings in these parts but also changes the
 shape of the body making some too fat and others too thin - it can also
 distort the bony structure such as the spine, and joints of the body. When
 this accumulation occurs, our illnesses are now referred to as being
 chronic or more permanent and difficult to treat. It is also this unnatural
 warmth that is responsible for keeping us unfit, and also preventing us
 from obtaining the maximum benefits from physical training. It is based on
 this understanding, and finding out how to prevent this undue warmth, that
 the greatest mystery and dilemna facing mankind will be revealed and
        Kuhne also explains how animals in nature when injured or ill do not even
 eat their normal food because in the process of digestion, fermentation and
 additional warmth is created in the body which will only interfere with the
 healing and cleansing process.
        This is the reason why fasting has been used throughout the ages for health
 restoration as it goes direct to the cause of problem without the need to
 use even the methods recommended by Kuhne. It also explains that for higher
 health and mind efficiency, the yogas developed the six shatkarmas with its
 specific emphasis on the abdominal area, anus and all the eliminatory
 apertures. It is for this reason that aswini mudra, nauli, uddiyana bandha
 and of course their breathing exercises are so important. A yogi in full
 training will perform these rites at the four stations of the day, morning,
 noon, sunset and midnight - a process that will ensure that clean pure
 blood well oxygenated is flowing through the body at all times. Read page
 40 of Yoga Gave Me Superior Health by Theos Bernard.
        All this means that Kuhne gave the supporting, substantative explanation to
 the ancient practical application of yoga. Yet despite this transcending
 method and information, the present health world is in disarray. The drug
 stores and health shops shelves are full of supplements, drugs, tonics and
 packaged goods which does not hold a candle to what is taught by these
 ancients. Their method of drinking seven or more glasses of clean water in
 the morning to regurgitate the contents of the stomach is no doubt the best
 way to start the day and also to end the day if the last meal is not taken
 later than noon, and at say or even later one drinks the required
 amount of water, surpasses all their magic claims. What it means that our
 best supplements, drugs and medicines are those non-nutritive substances
 such as fresh air, sunshine, pure water, exercise and rest. All foods even
 the best must be placed on the lower rung of the totem pole as anything
 eaten requires processing and nerve force and anything eaten in excess can
 result in an imbalance.
        Thank you Louis Kuhne, your understanding is so transcending that it should
 be recorded in gold and granite for posterity. But we should not forget
 Yoga's wonderful legacy.


Morris Krock

Essence of Health is the Essence of Life

P.O.Box 1129
South Africa

Phone +27 31 864521
Fax   +27 31 2670600

=======end material by Morris Krok========================
Those in the U.S. can order the books by Morris Krok from his daughter,

Susan Krok
21 Coquito Ct.
Portola Valley, CA 94028

I suggest using her instead of alternate suppliers, as his family here
will benefit.

Tom Billings