the following is an extract article from the last posting of material by
Morris Krok. I have extracted some material and edited it to make an
article for the SF-LiFE newsletter from it. I am re-posting it here in
case some want to save it in addition to the original post made a few
days ago. (As this is a repost, some might want to skip this article.)

I received more (mostly new) material from Morris - around 200 lines or so,
that I will post soon (next week?).

An extract of material written by Morris Krok

Note: the material below was written by Morris Krok, and is extracted from
an article released on Internet. This article was edited by Tom Billings.

        Simplicity is the keynote to success.

        In consciousness is where your power lies.

        Only the approach and attitude separates tranquillity from fire and

        Good habits last a lifetime; bad habits are shortlived.

        He who loves his stomach does not love his life.

        Outwardly you will be silent, but within your master will speak in the
        voice of a roaring rapid and resounding waterfall.

        Knowledge is light; but knowledge from light is most revealing of all.

        Let us never forget that we are sons of the morning, children of the

        As life will not conform [to] or be changed by our beliefs, it has the
        last say and in fact makes a mockery of them.

        To conclude the above here is a short passage about the simple soul.

        I am simple soul. I do no doctoring or nursing and I do not know
 what goes on in a hospital. I am so ignorant of their terminology and
 philosophy that I do not know what to call my symptoms and ailments. But by
 missing meals and eating sparingly on natural foods they are kept in
 control and life still carries on in a sweet way.

        I am a simple soul. I do not have the education to work in a
 laboratory, chemical industry or pharmacy: so having no knowledge of drugs
 and medicine, I do not use them. But despite not using these magical
 substances that are supposed to be replete with wonderful benefits, life for
 me goes merrily along.

        What do I really know? I know what I am thinking and how I am
 feeling at the present time. So without being told or by reading, I am
 aware of those things that affect my thoughts and well-being. Sure, we have
 to fear the unknown as we do not know what awaits us around the corner, but
 this does not mean we have to have the same fear of the 'unseen'. We cannot
 see daylight unless we watch sunshine percolating through clouds;
 electricity, magnetism and gravity are not perceivable and are only known to
 us by their effects; and if man did not do the forbidden thing by splitting
 the atom and creating nuclear energy and radiation, which have such a
 devastating effect if not properly controlled, he would not have had to
 contend with its harmful nature even though it is not visible to the eye.
 Germs, microbes, viruses, bacteria and other such mites can only be seen
 through the microscope, but as I cannot see it with my naked sight why
 should I fear them, and why should I assume they cause all the problems
 attributed to them.

         As a simple soul I believe life is greater than our beliefs,
 assumptions and misconceptions that are propagated, preached, and given the
 authoritative stamp of being scientific and authentic. Most certainly the
 simple soul must not dance to the piper who puts absolute value and


 definition on things fleeting and phenomena that are forever changing and
 never remaining fixed.

        I have not attended a college or university, and  I certainly do not
 know the meaning of being a postgraduate. I have never sat at the feet of a
 guru and taken the dust off his shoes. But notwithstanding my ignorance in
 these matters, life does still seem to teach me something.

        I am indeed a simple soul. I have no stove, pots or pans. I do not
 possess a kitchen with spices, herbs, oils, salt and special ingredients,
 but yet I never go hungry. A little bit of fruit, some nuts, dried fruit, a
 few raw vegetables, and some plants or edible flowers picked up on
 sidewalks and the wayside does seem to sustain me. A few glasses of clear
 pure water has more nectar in it than the finest wines, liquers and

        So to be a simple soul, it may not be easy as it looks. One may have
 to be very sophisticated and advanced in ways not commonly known. It
 certainly appears that to be a simple soul one cannot be stupid. One in
 fact, must be so simple as not to attempt to think things out by conscious
 effort and stress. So we have no alternative but to wait patiently for the
 gleam of inspiration to flash on the mirror of the mind; and it will only
 come when we are ready to receive it. How do we make ourselves a suitable
 receptacle or vehicle for an awe-inspiring thought is something that no one
 can explain? Like the origin of life, it will always remain a mystery. It
 is not by force but by silently watching the ticking of the mind's inner
 mechanism that an idea or thought that is as golden as light brightens our
 day in the most enlightening and enthralling way. There is nothing like
 this to energize our life.

Note by Article Editor:

Those in the U.S. can order the books by Morris Krok from his daughter,

Susan Krok
21 Coquito Ct.
Portola Valley, CA 94028

I suggest using her instead of alternate suppliers, as his family here
will benefit.