
Please post the following on the raw-food list.

BTW, Vicki is a REAL person!  I met her at the Raw Foods Expo last June in SF.


Billings wrote:

>If we assume that we are natural vegans/fruitarians, then we cannot explain
>the survival of the Inuit, Lapps, Tibetans, who live where a vegan/fruitarian
>diet is impossible.

It is very easy to explain, because barely surviving is just what anyone is
doing when they are living far outside of their natural environment and
diet.  These people won't be around for long.  They will become extinct, as
have every other people who lived outside of their natural state of

If you need to wear layer upon layer of dead animal skins to survive, then
what does that say about you as a natural creature?  Oh, we get's
NATURAL to wear layer upon layer of another animal's skin!  OK...

>Typically the excuse I hear is that "we are natural vegans/fruitarians,
>but we >can survive on meat". The excuse, translated, says: "if we can
>survive on >vegetarian and meat diets, then we are omnivores - I just
>don't want to admit it >and use the word omnivore".

"Survive" is a far cry from "Thrive."  You could SURVIVE on a diet of fast
food, medicine, and candy for who knows how long?  The vast majority of
people in the united states DO eat like that and survive.  But, only barely
surviving and becoming duller and duller in form from one generation to the
next is the final result.

To you, Eugenics may be a "no-no" or too taboo of a subject to delve into
in this present day and age of walking-on-eggshells, but it is an eternal
law of Nature whether you want to acknowledge it or not.  Or perhaps you
believe that it is a "dis-credited" science?  That's exactly what the
powers-that-be want you to believe so that you will just continue to follow
the herd and accept what they tell you is ok to talk about and what's not.
What a pity...

Oh yeah...since when is it "bigoted" to speak the truth?

If you can prove to us that sub-artic temperatures are ideal for humans,
than we will be the first ones to concur with your accusation that we are
bigots.  But until then, your continual championing of eskimos and other
people living far outside of their natural habitat appears to be as flimsy
as the steamed vegetables and pill supplements that you greedily gobble up.