below is more material by Morris Krok. There is some repetition with the
other recent posts of material by Morris Krok, but there is also some new
material here as well. Again, I did not write the material below - it was
written by Morris Krok. I am releasing it on the Internet, with permission
of Morris, as a public service. I hope you find it interesting!
P.S. the material is being posted as-is, or as-received (unedited).
Tom Billings

========begin by Morris Krok=======================
        Life's Most Important Teachings Affecting Man Directly

        Introducing Icons of Intelligence Nuggets of Gold

          The use of simple logic to unravel problems that been undecipherable for
 thousands of years; for behind every true science or invention there is a
 simple principle or set of simple principles.

        The highest embodiment of intelligence is the heightened awareness of how
 we physically and mentally function in relationship to nature's simple code
 and forces.

        Though you compose and type in electronic media, there is nothing as
 beautiful, clear and to the point as the printed word. It is for this
 reason as they say in the legal word - 'put it in writing'. Even if the
 meaning behind the words are ambiguous, controversial or incomprehensible,
 at least the letters themselves remain elegant; and there is always a hope
 that they can be wordsmithed and rendered into something that is
 indisputably precise, lucid and elevating.

        You must know what is in the market place to add to it.

        Simplicity is the keynote to success.

        It is the graceful mood that is the creator of style.

        Style means relaxed movement that is free of awarkness, jerkiness and
 unnecessary motion.

        In consciousness is where your power lies.

        Cleanse the entire membraneous tract from anus to the sinuses so that the
 purified mind can be forever inspired.

        Miracles are wrought on an empty stomach.

        Only the approach and attitude separates tranquillity from fire and unrest.

        When we understand that little something about the body and its needs,
 there is not much we need to know to keep healthy and prolong Youthfulness.
 Although it is an enthralling tale that encompasses everything that has
 happened in man's sojourn on earth, the story ends on an anti-climax of
 simplicity and doing nothing intelligently. As no physician, professor,
 president or person will accept its simple solution, it collects dust and
 cobwebs in the archives as man seeks futilely for something that does not
 exist. All the time, money and sacrifice spent in animal and human
 experimentation has been in vain because the simple truth is staring him in
 the face but he is too blind to see it. Ironically you need a simple soul
 to comprehend something so simple.

        Good habits last a lifetime bad habits are shortlived.

        He who loves his stomach does not love his life.

        Don't be afraid to miss meals, you wont diet but only live longer.

        More evil and intrigue is enacted in the kitchen than anywhere else. To
 collect the proceeds of an insurance policy you only have to feed the brute
         A Chinese sage who was suspicious about the food served to him told his
 chef that he would still be the death of him.

        Outwardly you will be silent, but within your master will speak in the
 voice of a roaring rapid and resounding waterfall.

        Knowledge is light; but knowledge from light is most revealing of all.

        Let us never forget that we are sons of the morning, children of the light.

        As life will not conform or be changed by our beliefs, it has the last say
 and in fact makes a mockery of them.

        You do not have to be clever to be a genius but you must know what others
 have achieved so that you can add that essential dash or dot.

        When you open the mind to the wonders of life, you will magnetically
 attract the so-called hidden things and begin to understand what man needs
 most to know. The more you use the mind and the body in an infinite way the
 more numerous will grooves of understanding be imprinted in the brain. As
 consciousness pervades the entire body and not merely the brain, we must
 use every limb and muscle in the quest for realization.

                            When you realize that for man to reach his full potential, he cannot do
 if his mind is filled with superstition and misconceptions. By believing or
 practising things that have no relationship with the realities of life, his
 attitudes and approach to the standards that nature has set for man will be
 out of alignment. By accepting blindly without questioning what religion or
 pseudo-science such as the theories and doctrines replete in the medical
 world, he will never be able to utilize the full powers of his mind and
 body. Irrespective what we are taught or what is written in books, in the
 end we must learn direct from nature and its simple, intelligent and
 powerful logic. To make a start in this direction, we must forget what we
 have been taught and make our mind into a blank screen as the beginning of
 wisdom and the gateway to understanding is the process of unlearning.

        To achieve this we must first define thinking. Those who are ardent seekers
 of truth will realize from the outset that the awareness of even the most
 simplest truth cannot be consciously thought out. After gathering all the
 relevant information including everything that we have learnt through the
 five senses from birth, we must patiently wait for the subconscious to
 weave its unique brand of magic. Truth we must realize comes in small
 segments to him who attunes himself to the search for universal wisdom. In
 other words thinking is waiting for the right thought to flash on our
 consciousness. Thinking can also be defined as the subconscious processing
 of all our experiences by the procedure of association and deletion. In a
 sense we cannot define thought, consciousnes and awareness or why it
 operates in its own myterious way. It is akin to the mysteries of life and
 its origin. Therefore, Dr Edward de Bono is way off the mark when he thinks
 that there is such a thing as lateral thinking. The mind and body is
 programmed to operate in a certain way and not all our thinking,
 concentration and meditation will ever change it. The Zen Buddhist in a
 Koan explains it in this way, "No matter how much you rub the clay brick,
 it will never shine."

        Life is a moving pageant. It cannot be frozen in a time capsule. Therefore,
 it is against life's laws to accept that whatever is spoken or written, no
 matter how sacred it is suppose to be, as the final truth. The founders of
 religions based their teachings on the environment and conditions of their
 times; but as our understanding is broadened over the centuries some of
 these religious teachings become obsolete. After all religion is simply an
 attempt to regulate the lives of people in a certain direction often with
 an ominous undertone of fear. Religious adherents follow a ritual or
 observance generally because of fear - if they do not pray in a certain way
 on a certain day "they think that something terribly will happen to them or
 that they have committed a crime or serious offence." By believing in this
 man is doing himself a great disservice and injustice by limiting or
 denying the full role of the intelligence within him. In any event religion
 is man made, and if what they teach were true, we at birth would be born
 with religous concepts imprinted on our minds. This unfortunately is not
 true as our mind at birth is an empty container and in a sense it remains
 so because we can continue filling it with whatever we want for the rest of
 our days. And throughout life we must seek for that understanding that wil
 free us from misconceptions that is replete in every custom, tradition and

        Accordingly we can say that there is no greater obstacle to the advancement
 of man than a untruth or half-truth that is given authoritative approval.
 Consequently throughout history not only is there more nonsense spoken in
 the name of religion and God, but it has done more harm and mischief. It
 has divided man and nations because each group thinks that his set of
 superstitions, or brainwashing, is more holy and righteous than that of the
 other. In writing this I am not pointing a barb at any specific religion or
 philosophy but at all, even though they all have something useful to offer.

        Now let us go to the question of health, food and medicine. Nothing is more
 confusing and controversial than this question and when one delves only
 partially into its complexity, the jungle that it is, nobody seems to know
 what they are talking about, especially the so-called experts. When it
 comes to food we are told to have three square meals which must contain the
 necessary proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins. We must
 have these conglomerates thrice daily irrespective whether we are hungry or
 not. There is also an underlying law that it is not food unless it has been
 cooked and kept warm. What is protein and how much we need is now
 questionable. Every nutritionist and expert has his own views. We are told
 unless we obtain protein from animal sources such as meat, fish, and dairy
 produce we will not remain healthy but alternatively we are told that
 everything that is eaten raw including fruits and green vegetables contain
 adequate protein. When it is realized that no wild animal, bird, fish or
 creature including the lowest forms of insects and micro-organism live on
 cooked substances, then how can the entire world who lives on mostly cooked
 substances be right. This is just simple logic without any frills.

        One step further. When this food, chemically transformed and adulterated by
 heat, especially when eaten in too higher proportions results in various
 symptoms, then man not seeing the connection between his eating habits and
 illness seeks for a miracle, if not from medicine then from a supplication
 to his God. There is no logic in this approach as it ignores the law of
 cause and effect and the principles of non-suppression. Firstly we must
 know that our symptoms caused by the same source of wrong substances and
 other toxic elements imbibed, will not only change their nature, but in
 time will affect every tissue, membrane and organ of the body. Hence it is
 futile to think that by labelling these symptoms medical science will be
 able to produce a cure. Florence Nightingale over a hundred years ago
 stated correctly that medical doctors are wrong in thinking that there are
 specific diseases even though there are specific symptoms. It is for this
 reason that the medical world has not found a cure for the common cold,
 never mind the conditions that are chronic and which they give labels to
 such as cancer, tuberculosis, heart trouble and alzheimers, senility and
 the hardening of the arteries. All these chronic conditions tell us one
 thing and thing only. Nature will not be fooled and she will reward us
 eventually to the last farthing by the wrongs we do. Nature compensates and
 rewards us mirrowlike. It leaves no stone unturned. Logic should tell us
 that if there is no such thing as a specific disease then there can never
 be such a thing as a specific cure.

        By prescribing medicine and many surgical procedures, the medical world is
 merely embarking on the suppression of symptoms in the same way that a
 quick way to clean the room is to sweep the dust under the carpet. Unless
 the cause is taken into account and the individual makes the necessary
 changes nothing positive will be attained. Now let us bring simple logic
 back into play. The word medicine implies that no matter how badly you have
 lived or are living, this special substance will eradicate the symptom and
 completely normalize all your functions. Immunization and vaccination means
 on the other hand that no badly how you live in the future, these shots
 will prevent some specific symptom such as a fever. But can anyone be
 certain that even without the vaccine that those conditions will arise. It
 has been stated by doctors that they cannot guarantee that immunization
 will prevent the illness. Things are made more complex by blaming germs,
 bacteria, viruses or giving new names to chronic conditions such as the one
 they now call aids. The picture is really black and tainted despite the
 advances made in medical technology in fields of surgery, accidents,
 artificial limbs and diagnostic scanning. The best they have achieved is
 still found in first aid practices - the use of the tourniquet, treatment
 of broken bones with splints, mouth to mouth resuscitation, heart massage,
 stomach pump, cold water therapy and colonic irrigation - all which are

        It is ironic and paradoxical that the great truths regarding health are
 taught in primary school. The first lesson on physiology explained the
 importance of elimination and assimilation. The importance of the excretory
 organs such as the lungs, skin, bowels and bladder performing correctly
 were emphasized. However, the medical world has forgotten the importance of
 enabling the body to balance these operations with the least amount of
 interference; and interfered they must be by continuing to eat wrongly or
 by using poisonous substances in the form of drugs, medicines and herbs.
 All that this is doing is giving more work to the body than it is capable
 of. Another thing the body was never constructed or has the ability to
 handle chemicals, synthetics, poisons and toxins in our food or in the form
 of medicine. The body may be wonderfully made as the Bible tells us but it
 cannot do the impossible and perform functions it was never programmed to
        Once again let us see what light logic can bear on the problem of food,
 medicine, immunization, supplements and health foods. Throughout history
 there are persons who lived long healthy lives without the use of any of
 these substances. They lived also through epidemics and plagues. If their
 lives are analysed it will be found that they were small eaters who had a
 liking for more natural foods, and were generally very active. Lugi Cornaro
 who lived during the fifteenth century or thereabout lived to over 100
 years by reducing his intake of food to 14 ounces a day. There is also the
 case of an Englishman, Charles Arnold, who lived to be 119 years of age by
 frugal eating and doing twice daily certain exercises as taught to him by a
 yogi. Both these gentlemen included nothing exotic into their lifestyles
 which in a way implies that man is being conned not only by medical doctors
 but also by so called alternative practitioners. It also appears that we do
 not need medicine or what is dished out by complementary healers. A
 pharmacy filled with medicine and a healthshop stocked with hundreds of
 supplements with new remedies appearing daily only adds to the confusion
 and fallacies that all health seekers have to face. They give the false
 message that there are countless illnesses each of which need a specific
 remedy or supplement. These remedies and supplements as a rule do not offer
 any advice on how one should live as if good health can be bought in a
 packet or bottle without the need to take our living habits into account.
 Nature, if we listen to her silent voice will tell you to eat simple
 untampered foods when hungry, to have adequate fresh air and sunshine and
 keep moving so that blood, lymph and nerve circulation at no times

        It is amazing but nevertheless true that the yogis of India almost five
 thousand years ago understood what food substances are responsible for the
 accumulation of slime, unwanted residues and toxins in the body. By so
 doing they understood that the body is a processing mechanism that has to
 process everything we eat, and drink. They also understood that it has to
 process our thoughts and every physical movement we make. In other words
 man is the product of what he imbibes and the movements he makes. Taking
 their entire health programme into account they learnt through careful
 observation that to overcome the effects of wrong eating and living, they
 must first eradicate these items from the lifestyle. These wrong substances
 through passing through the digestive tract leave byproducts throughout the
 membraneous tract including the lungs, throat, sinuses, tongue, bladder,
 kidneys, small intestines and colon. They collect especially at the exit
 points such as the bladder, anus, nose, mouth and throat. Hence conditions
 of impaired and burning urination, constipation, stuffy nose and sinuses,
 and congested bronchials and lungs occur. To overcome these obstructions
 they devised a system known as the six shatkarmas or six acts of purifying
 all these orifices. They have methods, details are not given here, of
 cleansing the nose, the stomach, the bladder, the colon and lungs. After
 several months these cleansing methods in conjunction with the right food
 eventually leaves the body internally clean and free of all symptoms.
        In addition to these six cleansing acts, they devised an elaborate exericse
 programme that stretched all the major joints and muscles of the body
 including the neck, the spine and those of the arms and legs. They learnt
 many of these asanas or stretches from watching animals, birds and reptiles
 performing certain movements. The key of their system is to move or stretch
 the body in a way that we normally do not do. They also learnt to
 counteract the effects of gravity by reversing the position of the body by
 using the headstand or shoulderstand. Their exercises used no instruments
 or gadgets and based on the principle of using the least amount of effort
 to obtain the maximum benefit.

        Yoga correctly implemented and understood with its sytem of internal
 cleansing, asanas, breathing methods and periods of silent meditation is
 the greatest gift that the ancient world has bestowed on modern man,
 especially when it refers to a system of living that directly affects us.
 For our physical and mental well-being there is nothing superior and it
 still surpasses what we believe and practise today. Yoga's secret key is to
 be internally clean to the finest nerves or nadis. In the book Yoga Gave Me
 Superior Health, Theos Bernard explains how he was only able to stand on
 his head for three hours when he daily thoroughly cleansed his entire
 membraneous tract. He was also able to hold his breath for ten minutes.
 Yoga therefore, went far beyond the prevention of illhealth as they showed
 a simple way to prolong youthfulness without gadgets and special
 substances. From Hathayoga Pradipika, study well this aphorism:

        "Slim and lissom body, joyous face, sonorous voice, sparkling eyes,
 positive good health, virility, exhuberance of vitality and radiance, and
 purity of the nervous system are the characteristics of Hathayoga."

        From Hatha Yoga by Theos Bernard page 68, published by Rider & Company.
        "As soon as I placed my tongue behind the palate, the saliva began to flow
 in a constant stream. In this way I was supposed to determine the condition
 of the body fluids. At first it was thick, heavy and slimy; eventually, it
 became thin, clear and smooth.

        As a conclusion let us talk about food as this is the real cause of our
 health and mental problems. If we knew what to eat and when it should be
 eaten 99% of all mankinds ills will be eradicated. The drugging of persons
 to suppress physical as well as mental phobias will cease almost overnight.
 During the transition from the wrong way to the right way of living, man
 will have to endure symptoms of withdrawal as the body has now the
 opportunity and energy to eliminate all the toxins and unwanted residues
 that it cannot use and which has been stored in various tissues some
 possibly since infancy. The following substances are toxic or residue
 forming: alcohol, coffee, tea, salt, all flour products especially the
 refined variety, food additives and pesticides, meat, fish and dairy
 products. The overcooking of vegetables, and the overconsumption of cooked
 beans and peas. The less cooked foods we eat, and the less acid and
 concentrated items we consume, not to overlook the importance of omitting
 refined food from the dietary, the healthier we will become because our
 inner membranes and tissues will be freed of all toxic, putrifying and
 fermenting substances that constantly feed our illnesses, depressions and
        There is nothing magical or mystifying in all this except that it conforms
 to the basic needs and functioning capability of the body - in a nutshell
 enabling the body to balance assimilation against elimination. Working
 prudently within the physiology of the human organism. This will only be
 possible when it is understood that the key to good health is for mankind
 to cease making fundamental errors in the selection of food he eats. In the
 warmth of the digestive tract all starchy food cooked or raw and dairy
 products (milk, cream and cheese) as well as the fats from meat are
 dissolved into acidy slime that eventually infiltrate every part of the
 membraneous tract from the anus and bladder to the sinuses and scalp on the
 head. This slime is as tenacious and as engulfing as an oil slick. It is
 more deadly and harmful than all the germs, bacteria and viruses put
 together. These mirco-organism can only live and propagate when adequate
 slime is present in the body. An internally cleansed person cannot catch
 even the slightest sniffle from the sickest person. The sign of a clean
 person is a clear mind and youthfulness even in old age. This proves that
 he who knows and applies the simple truth will be rewarded in every
 possible way. He, in other words, becomes a living example who can
 demonstrate what he knows.

        Now let us put you in the picture why the above is not universally known or
 accepted. The above is not known because man has been brainwashed through
 the ages by misconceptions. By not understanding that the body is a
 processing unit that processes what we eat, drink, our movements, and
 everything we learn from birth onwards through the five senses, we miss the
 point. We therefore, are not only what we eat but we are also the product
 of our environment; and unless we make an effort not to accept everything
 what we are taught, told or what is generally believed as the final truth
 and prepared to question as well as to test where possible, we will never
 be able to move out of the universal ignorance and fallacy that has
 ensnared man. To "get it" we must free our mind from unnecessary fears and
 our lives from irrelevant practices.
        Undoubtedly the first thing that we have to eradicate are those related to
 health. We must not fear germs, bacteria etc., and if it was not that man
 has created nuclear energy and the possibilty the leak of radiant energy it
 never be necessary to fear the unseen including ghosts, ghouls, witches and
 goblins. Germs and other micro-organisms are not heat seeking missiles
 especially put on this planet to destroy mankind. Consequently we do not
 have to be immunised or vaccinated (I have already explained the underlying
 fallacies of these practices) or think that by contagion that we can
 contact deadly illnesses. By this I mean that any person who lives the way
 nature's standard has no fear in this regard because this is the only way
 that we can truly be immunised against illhealth. Living correctly keeps
 the inner membranes and tissues free of all substances that ferment and
 putrefy and which are responsible of continually feeding our symptoms and
 aches even if we are not consciously aware that it is happening.
        Good health then is an individual do-it-yourself activity, so if anyone
 persistently abuses himself he must not dupe himself in thinking that there
 is a magical substance that will immediately make things right. When it
 comes to maintaining good health one only has to obey a few rules: eat
 natural mostly raw foods when hungry, but should you experience the
 slightest health problem, cold, cough, headache, pain, stiffness, itchiness
 and constipation replace meals with water or diluted fruit juice until such
 time that the symptoms disappears. By doing actually nothing intelligently
 you are giving the body the necessary time to catch up with assimilation
 and especially elimination.
        Considering the dietetic civilized errors man makes, the body has been
 storing toxic and harmful substances since infancy, therefore, it is only
 by stopping the intake that body is giving the opportunity to eliminate
 what it does not want and cannot use no matter the origin of these
 substances. There is no greater unwelcome guest in our life than the by
 products of wrong foods and drink that remain too long in the body. To be
 healthy everything imbibed must with ease pass through the main exits of
 the body - the anus and urethra. In other words, for us to function at our
 higest potential we must cleanse ourselves from the filth of civilized
 eating. When considering this thought it is good to contemplate Bhai Vir
 Singh's (Sikh Poet) short poem.

        "I made my mind a beggar's bowl,
        I begged the bread of learning from door to door,
        Filled it with crumbs from the Houses of Learning,
        Crammed it full.
        It was heavy.
        I was proud - a man of learning.
        I strove to walk in the clouds,
        But stumbled on the earth.
        Then I sought the guru,
        Placed my bowl before him - an offering.
        "Dirt", he cried, "Dirt,"
        Turned it upside down,
        Threw the crumbs away,
        Scrubbed it with sand,
        Rinsed it with water,
        Cleansed it of the filth of learning ('eating').

        To drive the true health and life message home, think a little how man can
 interpret this poem in relation to the food he eats. He crams all the wrong
 food down his gullet which ends as filth in the body.

***End part 1/2