>I agree. To e veryone: please stop this no-debate. The list has been  polluted by
non-discussions long >enough, and anyone can refer to the archives and chose his/her

I agree yet I do not because I do not wish to stick my head in the sand.
The attitudes and opinions that NFL represent are still very prevalent in
the raw foods movement, and I think it is only natural that the raw-food
list from time to time reflects this fact and gives the space for these
debates to unfold and run their course. Besides, I would not miss the many
articulate contributions we have received in this respect for all the tea
in China. :-)

>I have no problem with Stephen (or whoever hides behind the pseudonym
>"Vicki") being on the list, but I would suggest that if anyone started a
>pseudo-debate on evolution with the idea of proving or disproving that humans are
>vegetarians or omnivores, that no one responds. There is already enough material on

There is a fair amount of material but probably not in a form that is
accessible enough.
Do not forget that more Americans believe in God than do in the theory of
evolution and that this whole issue is about much more than discussing the
validity of a scientific theory. It is about how we cling to ideologies and
use them to cover up for our inner securities refusing to grow up and face
the realities of the world. Raw foods has a lot of growing up to do, and I
think that some of Jeffrey's thoughts on this are very appropriate.

>> So, Peter, please stop this. And unsubscribe Vicki if she doesn't re-
>> frain from making herself the mouthpiece of NFL.

I do not mind that "Vicki" is the mouthpiece of NFL - as long as the
posting guidelines are being respected. I intend to make sure they will be.

>Seriously, this list can be a marvelous place of peaceful exchange,
between meat >eaters and non-meat eaters, 100% raw and non-100% raw, etc.
Those who are not >satisfied with that can leave, there are other raw lists.

Amen. And I appreciate all your efforts in making this possible. :-)

Best, Peter
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