>The one I bought was packaged with no inner seal either.  I thought it
>was rather lax.  Usually they either have an inner seal or some sort of
>tamper proof outer lid.  I didn't actually eat mine.  I bought the
>unflavored stuff in hopes of making some Tzatziki.  I figured enough
>garlic should cover the taste of anything.  It smelled so bad I threw it
>out.  I couldn't even get the stuff close to my mouth without being
>grossed out.
>I'll live without yogurt till I'm done nursing :-)


I think it's gross too; same with soy or rice milk -- I also just did without
for a year while nursing, although now my son can actually tolerate milk in
my diet while still nursing (yay!  We had tried at 6 months with no luck,
but at a year he seems to have outgrown it -- still haven't tried giving it
to him directly though!).  But anyhow, he likes the vanilla soy milk and
liked the honey-vanilla soy yogurt we had bought in Canada.  They didn't
have a flavor I was willing to give Matthew here, so I figured I'd mix in
some fruit that he can have myself.  So maybe once your baby is on solids
s/he will like the soy substitutes, not being used to the milk versions.

--Robyn (mommy to Ryan 9/7/93 and Matthew 6/16/96)
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