<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

This should go well with all of the GF hamburger bun recipies that
were summarized recently.  I recommend burgers thickened with corn flour,
myself.  =)


4 cups tomato juice
1/4 cup cider vinegar
Honey to taste (can use sugar, but honey is better)
1 bay leaf
salt, pepper & spices to taste

Mix all ingredients except honey (or sugar) in a saucepan
and bring to a slow boil.  Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered,
until thick, stirring often.  When almost desired thickness,
add honey (or sugar) to taste and complete cooking.

Store in sterilized jars or freeze in small containers.

You can use almost any combination of spices with this.  I personally
like to add only basil, but be creative.

Adapted from "Food and the Gut Reaction: Intestinal Health Through Diet"