<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks so much to everyone who responded to my question about Advil- I am
still getting a few responses here and then but I will summarize the many I
have received up until now. I tried to thank many of you individually-
sorry if I didn't get to some you but I really appreciate your responses!

3 people said it was safe- One had his pharmacy call the manufacturer, one
received a list of GF OTC medications from a chemist in a pharmaceutical
department, and the third person did not list his/her source of the info.
Everyone who had used Advil reported no side effects.

Many others were unsure about the GF status of Advil. One response
indicated that the manufacturers cannot guarantee the status of ingredients
they get from outside suppliers. Another said that Advil is sometimes made
with wheat starch, sometimes with corn.

Several pain killers that are GF were mentioned. Those that were mentioned
more than once are: Alleve, Nuprin, and Orudis KT.

Other suggestions included Bayer, Thrifty and Longs brand ibuprofen and
acetaminophen, Walmart brand ibupofen, Exedrin x-strength, and Exedrin
Aspirin Free. One person mentioned Tylenol gel caps as being safe, though a
few others mentioned that Tylenol was not ok. (perhaps a difference between
gel caps and other types?) One reponse posted to the entire list suggested
a homeopathic remedy called Migraine Headache Relief, made by Natra-Bio.

Hope this all makes sense- I guess the final verdict is still out on Advil!

Fairfax, CA