>Electricity is no friend of mine. No more raw for me. I'm heading for
>MacDonalds :-)

If you had this sense you could avoid electricity even better than you
can now. My sense is detecting AC voltages which are not harmful. If
they were, I would feel that directly like you did on your treatment.
My sense is completely different from directly being shocked by an elec-
trical current.

>Stefan, have you correlated your new sense with what you are eating and
>how you feel. If it doesn't persist, it might be related to an
>electrolyte change in your body fluids. Perhaps you are detoxing some
>acidic metabolites in your sweat.

It's too early to watch for correlations. I have the sense still today
and noticed that my PA vibrates more or less heavily depending on the
time I test it. If the sense is reliable that would mean different
voltages. Measurements will be undertaken soon to find out.

Best electrical regards,

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