Aajonus attended the Cancel Control Society's 4-day convention in Pasadena
last weekend attracting a lot of attention. He was invited by Norman Fritz,
President of the Cancer Control Society and President of the
Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, who is known for his efforts in
establishing the Gerson Clinic in Mexico and who himself now
enthusiastically is on Aajonus' diet as well as promoting it. Others who
seem ready to embrace the diet are Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. author of "Healthy
Bones" and "Lick the Sugar Habit", Michael Schachter, an M.D. from the East
Coast who is unknown to me but who has a long list of credentials in
alternative healing, Dr.John Yiamouyiannis author of "The Flouride Factor",
and Gar Hildebrand, Director of the Issels-Gerson Cancer Center in Mexico
who wants to do follow-up studies on Aajonus's patients.
Lee Cowden, a retired M.D. from Texas told me that he had put patients with
cancers such as sarcomas and lymphomas that according to him are caused by
a state of over-alkalinity in the body on diets high in raw animal foods
with high cure rates.
Stig Erlander, Ph.D. also attended the convention promoting his high fat,
mainly cooked diet as a cure for cancer.
I learned that Bruce Pacetti, DDS a long-term follower of, I believe,
natural hygiene in two weeks managed to turn around his own very progressed
case of Parkinson's by going on a high, raw, animal fat diet. I have also
learned that a natural hygiene practitioner (name withheld by me) on the
East Coast is now on the diet.
My raw, vegan friend gave a short presentation at the convention of how his
mother's life has been saved by putting her on Aajonus' diet virtually
curing her from a stage three multiple myeloma in three months. He handed
out before and after lab results + research papers on the healing powers of
fatty acids (Horrobin) along with his mother's phone number so that anybody
who wants to learn from her experience can contact her.
Finally, I learned that a raw animal foods support group is being formed in
San Diego. When this happens I expect some interaction between LA RAF and
this new group.
On a more somber note some of the doctors present had problems with
Aajonus's lack of credentials and swallowing some of his more fantastic
claims and esoteric explanations. A sucker for a good debate I was
disappointed that they kept most of their opinions to themselves. Maybe it
is an example of the infamous "Green Wall". ;-)

Aajonus talk at the convention was not bad and can be ordered by calling
Harold Arnoldus at Tapeco Recordings at 1-800-643-8645.

Best, Peter
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