Stefan Joest wrote:
> Case 1: pure honey. Immediately digested and (in your case) high blood
> glucose level (BGL). Okay.

> Case 2:
> 1 avocado plus 4 TBS honey: Avocado passed to the small intestine to
> extract the fat. Honey digested immediately: still high BGL.

> Case 3:
> 2 very fatty raw Boston mackerel + 4TBS honey: Body starts with the
> digestion of the mackerels, secreting HCl etc. Digestion of the honey
> must wait until most of the mackerels are processed in the stomach and
> passed to the small intestine. BGL keeps low. Also it is questionable
> if the honey is digestable if it follows the mackerels. Perhaps it
> remains undigested.

> I've got no idea, how honey and protein can be digested together.

I think you are right that it is better to eat the honey first or alone,
but I do think there is some digestion together as JL said. If there were
no digestion, the blood sugar would not have gone even to 124. Here is
Aajonus explanation of  3. very fatty mackerel and honey.

"This combination slows digestion of everything and often prevents old
sugar detoxification. In others this combo provides the protein to
utilize sugars without this level soaring."

My best, Ellie