Lisa Ziemann <[log in to unmask]>:
>Is this raw road the all-or-nothing road, or can you meet it 75%?  I feel
>good, look good, and my digestive system is working well.

Certainly you can eat 75% raw, with 25% cooked. In fact, those who are
100% raw are scarce - a small minority of raw-fooders. The "standard"
for calling oneself a raw-fooder is to be 75% or more (by weight), raw.
However, you should not worry about labels - your health, and having a
diet that works for you, is more important than the % of raw in your diet.

A few rawists make a big fuss about how you MUST be 100% raw. That is
utter nonsense - I say that as one who was 100% raw for many, many
years. Those who demand that everyone be 100% raw are promoting obsessive
behavior, in my opinion (see the "Health Food Junkie" article posted here
in early September - in the archives, for an interesting discussion of
obsession with dietary purity).

Good luck with your dietary experiments!

Tom Billings
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