Hi Dariusz,

you wrote:
>I Wonder, Stefan, do you have any information regarding the crystalized=20
>(creamy, brut, non-filtered) honey?

>Also, how important do you think top quality of honey might be as far
>as getting a good stop?  DO you pay much attention to that when buying

1. Question:
Honey crystalizes depending on storage temperature and its fructose
contents. The less fructose the easier it crystalizes.
Anything else is beyond my knowledge.

2. Question:
Very important. Feeding the bees with processed sugar in winter re-
sults in honey that contains an amount of processed sugar molecules.
These indeed might be addictive. And they disturb the instincts if you
eat this honey - no stop or stop comes too late.
Since I buy honey from Orkos only, I'm not concerned with paying atten-
tion to the degree of the stop. Orkos honey is guaranteed to be
instincto quality.

Best regards,

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