Perhaps someone can answer this.

I've become very, very fond of sweet corn since my instincto ventures
have began some 3 months ago now.  I must have eaten some 300 of them or
so since.  It is the season for them now, and I go through quite a bit of
trouble on a nearly daily basis to get a short-term supply of freshly cut

They are grown locally and most likely with pesticides or other chemicals
of some sort.  I wonder whether I am putting myself at any risk by not
washing any of them that I eat (not that washing would have much of an
effect, but there is not much else one can do if they are to remain
uncooked).  In fact, I do nothing to the edible part before consuming it.

How high on the "chemical contamination" scale would this vegetable be?
(seems like the wrong category for it, really, btw; but it doesn't look
like a fruit either :))