Jean-Louis Tu wrote:
> >1. 4 TBS unheated honey...1hr. glucose=261 and was over 200 for 2 hr.
> >2. 1 avacodo plus 4 TBS honey...1hr glucose=250, still too high.
> >3. 2 very fatty raw Boston mackerel + 4TBS honey...1 hr. glucose=124 and
> >fifteen minutes later was 87. Very normal.

> That's interesting. So, the mixture mackerel+honey was well digested?
> And have you compared with other sources of carbohydrates?

I'm not sure what this all means. I get the same results with dates, with
and without fat, and am still experimenting a bit. From what I understand
 Aajonus thinks that honey will remove old glycogen and improperly
assimilated yet stored sugars from storage in the body and the raised
sugar level is not directly the honey, he says that fats eaten with honey
provide fats to bind with the poor quality sugars for elimination. He
also says fat and honey slow digestion of everything and often prevent
old sugar detox. In others, he says,  this combo provides the protein to
utilize sugar without the level soaring. He says processed sugars can
paralyze the pancreas. Fats eaten with sugar provide a buffer that
mitigates sugar irritation of the pancreas, allowing the pancreas to more
properly function, that is, creating insulin to facilitate sugars.

I find this all fascinating but can't figure it out. Any comments?

My best, Ellie