Well, I thought I was untouchable.  I slept only in my underwear, in the
middle of my room, on the floor and in a sleeping bag, with all windows
open wide.  The nights were cool and cooler each time, and the temperature
in my room was probably slightly below 10C.  I felt could literally feel
the wind blowing in my face at night, as my head was sticking out of the
sleeping bag, though everything else of my body felt very warm and
comfortable. And in this way I got my first flu just yesterday.

I had a runny nose the entire day yesterday, no sign of anything more
serious approaching.  Mind you, a flu in the past always started with a
sore throat, then a runny nose, then a fever: that was the sequence.

Well, today I woke up with the same runny nose and some coughing and a fever.
It is 9pm now, and things are looking better.
I know I am healthier now than I was during my last flu, and if this one
were to be gone by tomorrow morning, I'd not complain as it would be a
few days shorter still than any I am familiar with from the past.
However, I cannot help but feel somewhat disappointed that I have not
(yet?) become immune to these things.  Even though at this point it isn't
easy to say what exactly caused (the light dresses in cool temperatures,
the walks in the rain and heavy cool winds all at once, or the sleeping
habits I came to try lately).  Perpahps it was a virus of some heavy sort
I got from someone else.  Still, it is a pity my system could not handle
it better.

Well, I suppose restoring health through IE does take time and so does
the rebulding of the immune system.  It's been only 3 for me really.

Any input on this or the workings of a flu in general?   None of this
would have probably happened had I lived in a warmer place.  One more
reason for me to pack and get the heck away from this hell on earth I am
growing more and more unable to stand.

Oh, almost forgot.  I'd love to hear, from the instictive point of view,
on the loss of taste and smell that occurs when one goes through a flu
period.  I could not get a taste out of almost anything inorganic today
(though the organic apple I still had left was good).  Same for smell.
However, I consumed about 125ml of honey today, and I think it had
something to do with my considerably quicker recovery from the flu.