Ellie wrote:
> >I was having some bloating from what I think was bad food combining--
> >juicy fruit after protein. Since changing and taking some cassia, it's
> >gone, but I'm still interested in how to tell if I am digesting a food.

 Shiela Shea wrote:
> I think these are some very powerful questions and I am impressed with the
> intellectual honesty of the rawfood group and individuals. I don't know if
> I have all the answers however I can share my experience.

> I realized after I wrote a note on the above issue that you had followed
> the protein with fruit rather than having the fruit precede it. The senna
> was always a way for me to eat without worrying about or knowing the
> consequences of some of my food decisions. It just moved everything out and
> that was it.  I don't know if my digestion is so skewed from the bulimia or is unique
> unto itself. I did have medicals tests in 1979 and the nurse was very pale
> when she reported to me that the only foods I should eat are fruits and
> veges. I find when I do I'm fine, when I deviate I have some problems
> eliminating. I was 9 years into the bulimina and 35 years with constipation
> when the tests were taken and that might have an effect.

> >Kirt posted, that when he eats a stretch of fruit/veggies for 3-4 days,
> >he gets loose unformed stools until he has a meal of protein/fat, and
> >that this is a sign he is not digesting fruits and veggies. Others use
> >loose stools as a sign of indigestion. Could it be that the fruit is
> >digested, but triggering detox reactions. If toxins are being released
> >via the gut from internal organs, would they come out as diarrhea?

> If my stools are too loose now with more liquid, more food particles
> showing I feel that there is some bacterial imbalance occuring. Elaine
> Gottschall showed electron microscope slides of the small intestines. One
> of the slides showed a layer of mucus covering the wall of the small
> intestines and she pointed to bacteria and fungi trapped in the layer and
> quite prolific too. I looked at other GI CD Roms at U of AZ Health Sciences
> Center Med Library - blowup photos of the spaces below and between the
> villa, deep pockets that can become laden with bacteria, etc and one
> showing giardia. I extrapolated from that - that as we eat fruit, high
> fluids, ie cleansing foods and diets, read raw, that these critters
> dissovled out and in some cases reactivate not to mention as you did above,
> the possibility of creatures coming from lympth, organs, tissue.
> I think it depends on what toxins are being released whether or not they
> cause diarrhea. Gottschall mentions the effect the by-products of bacteria
> and fungi have on the NERVES and in some cases it is paralysis in which
> case elimination would be difficult. There is the theory on diarrhea that
> the solids aren't moving, the liquids are. So bacterial, fungal, viral
> activation leading to diarrhea, or nerve toxins leading to diarrhea or
> constipation.

> >Are loose stools a sign of not digesting fruit? Are there other ways of
> >telling whether foods are getting digested, like transit time, etc. I eat
> >all raw, pretty much instinctively.

> I feel that loose stools don't necessarily mean the fruits are not
> digesting. For some the fruits serve like a laxative moving the food/fruit
> through at a higher rate. Some individuals have extra length of intestines
> and I say this because I see it over and over in barium xrays. Other people
> have a shorter intestines. The people that have the extra intestines suffer
> difficult transit and need to eat light, raw, wet, like the fruits etc. The
> people with the shorter intestines can pretty much put away anything and it
> pops out the other end. They can eat the protein/fats much more easily and
> maybe diets are going to be more appropriate to the length of the
> intestines, too. Another factor to calculate in.

> I feel that transit time should be under 24 hours. Many people don't have
> peristalsis and their transits are up to 4-5 days! Gravity moves the
> material through not the electro-magnetic properties of the system.

> I find when I eat fruit like mangoes and papayas I have very well formed
> stools. My diet consists of fruits and salads, olive oil, nuts (sometimes
> sprouted), seeds, 60-95% raw on any given day. The big factor I'm playing
> around with in my elimination now is bacteria, the positive. I'm so tired
> of the high prices of supplements that I've returned to Victoras K's
> rejuvelac, a pint to a quart a day. And I find my movements are well-formed
> and more consistent. In other words, I poop daily and easily. I'm going to
> add the fermented nut/seed yogurts soon too. I got onto this by
> experimenting with Wachter's Phyterzyme formula with enzymes and
> acidophilus. When I took 9 each night ( at wholesale the monthly pricetag
> on that is $100) I had outstanding elimination the next day, my abdomen
> felt wonderful and alive, and the stool was soft and well formed.
> I thought, let me experiment with one thing at a time and see what has the
> greatest effect. I intuitively felt it would be the flora. So I began with
> the rejuvelac. I need a lot.
> [Victoras and a bunch of us from Miami spent an Easter holiday on Paridise
> Island, he gave a talk, I met him at Hippocrates in 1975. We came back to
> Miami together and headed over to the raw food restaurant and sat together.
> He mentioned the rejuve has over 27 strains of positive flora. We both
> pigged out and the restaurant meaning we overate, mixed too many things
> together, and both confided to each other that we threw the meal up in the
> restaurant. Year was about early 80's. I hear VK is married to White Dove
> these days, very active in CellTech, they are close friends to close
> friends of mine who are in the top echelon of CellTech and pulling big
> bucks. I became a distributor to please my friends, found it had a neutral
> effect on my system, and I stay with the ocean algae which really feeds me.
> I believe VK is over the bulimia. If you want me to find out how's he doing
> I would be glad to do so for the group. Enough gossip!]

> So far the rejuve is restoring my faith in effectiveness, simplicity, and
> the living foods. It is helping my elimination and feelings of well being
> in my system. Not as powerful as the phyterzyme but enough to know it's
> working. I have to keep this up for a year or so to restore the floral
> balace. And I still drink coffee (organic), occasionally drink wine, eat
> health food candy bars tho much less, and use more cooked foods on long
> backpacks.

> Also, exercise is an important component in intestinal regularity and
> health as it gets everything moving. I went to yoga class last night with
> slight gas pain and that dead feeling in my intestines. The 'it's time to
> get the enema bag out' syndrome thinking. After all the stretching and
> twisting I felt great and got over that hump. I need a lot of movement as a
> person, more so that others, I think. I drank a pint of the rejuve when I
> got home and had a salad and had 2 big poops this am.

> This is long and maybe too long winded however if you feel it's of value
> for the group you are welcome to post it.

> Kind Regards,
> Sheila Shea
> http://www.sheilas.com