In addition to Stefansson's book, everyone should read Westin Price's
"Nutrition and Physical Degeneration".  The book is a fascinating collection
of data and photographs showing the devastating effects of modern processed
foods on health.

Price was a dentist who spent several years (during the 1930's) exploring
various regions of the world studying cultures that still ate a "primitive
diet.  Even though the content of the diet changed depending on the location,
the one constant with these peoples was the total lack of dental caries.
 Price postulated that if degenerative changes were occuring in the teeth and
mouth, other degenerative processes probably were occuring throughout the

Since reading the book about 12 years ago, I've asked every dentist that I've
met whether they ever heard of Price.  Not one dentist has answered
affirmative.  Somewhat tragic I would say.

Ed Campbell, DC,CSCS